An account of two Lutheran pastors in villages of Thuringia.
Category: Books & Articles
Kairos Palestine
With the on-going talks between Israel and Palestine, it’s good to remember the “Kairos” document produced by Palestinian Christians a few years ago. “Kairos” means “opportunity”, but also “crisis” and “judgement”: Click here
Prayer, Politics and Parties
They used to say that the Church of England was “the Tory Party at prayer”, and the Free Churches the “Liberal Party at prayer”.
Forgetting God’s Justice
Chapter eight of Deuteronomy warns against the danger of forgetting God and justice when you grow rich. That has some relevance to society today.
Remembrance Sunday sermon
This is the sermon preached at Wymington Chapel on Sunday, November 11th, 2012. Any comments and discussion would be very welcome.
Methodism in Rushden
Methodism in Rushden Methodism arrived in Rushden, Northamptonshire, by 1780. But it had a troubled history in the village, which was later to become a boot and shoe manufacturing town.