What is very clear is that NHS staff maintain their exceptional quality of care in the midst of seriously underfunded and collapsing structures. Efficiencies have sometimes led to misunderstandings but more often to improvements, though social care and psychiatric services lag well behind, while (scandalously) hospices depend largely on charity. This from half a century…
Category: The Meeting Place Online Discussion
First Thursday December 5th 2024
The “Assisted Dying” (Terminally Ill Adults- End of Life) Bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons at the end of November, 330 votes in favour, 275 against. But without adequate debate and amendment to provide safeguards it is unlikely to become law. Fears of the later widening of the law (as happened…
First Thursday November 7th 2024
Daniel chapter 3 tells how Jews in exile were required by the Babylonian king to worship a golden statue he set up, under threat, if they refused, of a “furnace of blazing fire” (verse 6). They reply that “our God” could save them “out of your hand”- but even if not, “we will not serve…
First Thursday, October 3rd 2024
Why has Keir Starmer acquired the epithet “Undertaker”? Perhaps because he has deliberately “buried” elements of Corbynism in the Labour Party, to ensure Labour’s “electability” in our first-past-the-post system. A more representative system could allow for a far more creative political debate, even given the inevitable complications and uncertainties of government by coalition. And any…
September 5th 2024 First Thursday
The Report into the Grenfell Tower disaster was been published. In all twelve volumes of exhaustive detail- Volumes Two and Three give 240 and 194 pages of often harrowing accounts (including photographs) of people’s lives through the fire of 14th June 2017. It is clear that the tragedy was the result of 50 years of…
Open letter from Palestinian Christians
A Call for Repentance: An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians 20 October 2023 “Learn to do right; seek justice; defend the oppressed” (Isa 1:17). We, at the undersigned Palestinian Christian institutions and grassroots movements, grieve and lament the renewed cycle of violence in our land. As we were about…
The Chapel congregation
Wymington Chapel is a member of the Wesleyan Reform Union, and has a congregation of up to a dozen people. From Easter 2021 we have been worshipping together on Sunday mornings with St Lawrence Parish Church: on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the month at St Lawrence at 9.30 am- these are usually…
For where your Treasure is
“For where your Treasure is….”- a summary of our discussions on “What does the Bible say about Wealth?”: Read More >>