The work of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel
On Thursday evening, February 23rd, 2012 Jean Harrison spoke about her recent visit to the West Bank as a member of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel. She spent three months there, from September to early December 2011. With the team she joined, Jean spent much of her time at the Bethlehem 300 checkpoint, the main pedestrian route through the Separation Barrier, used by 2,500 Palestinians every morning between 4.00 am and 8.00 am on their way to work. She also helped to provide protection from military aggravation for Palestinian children on their way to school and visited families whose homes and livelihoods are under threat.
On Tuesday 27th April 2010 Dr Christopher Lamb spoke about the three months he spent working with EAPPI near Jerusalem. EAPPI is a programme of the World Council of Churches, set up in 2002 at the request of church leaders in Jerusalem. Its work involves monitoring human rights abuses and providing a protective presence for vulnerable communities.
To see more of the work of EAPPI, look at